Course Shell - PROP101: Propellers
Academic Year - 202021
Lecturer - Michael Ramdin
- Teacher: Michael Ramdin
Course Shell - PROP101: Propellers
Academic Year - 202021
Lecturer - Michael Ramdin
Course Shell - PTHP201: Therapeutics I
Academic Year - 202021
Lecturer - Dave Bridgetwater
Semester: January 202021
School of Pharmacy
Lecturer: Dave Bridgewater
This course seeks to equip teachers in training with the knowledge and skills to effectively develop students' writing skills in the primary grades. It explores the theory and practice of teaching writing, mainly in the primary school context. The emphasis on writing instruction goes beyond the teaching of the mechanics of writing. It explores the writing process and the 6+1 traits of writing, along with the stages of writing development. Teachers’ understandings of the various purposes and genres of writing and the connection between reading and writing will also be explored. In addition, teachers will learn about important issues that often impact Caribbean students' writing and the teaching of writing. They will have the chance to evaluate, revise, and extend those issues toward building their own approach to teaching, both as writers themselves and as teachers of writing. In this regard, teachers will be required to consider a variety of approaches, strategies and assessment activities that support their knowledge, understanding and practice of writing. They will cultivate their knowledge not only as future teachers of writing, but also as writers, thinkers and professionals.
Course Shell - RSE101: Repairs/Servicing Engines & Components - CVQ
Academic Year - 202021
Lecturer - Olsin Gordon
Semester: January 202021
Lecturer: Jacinda Liburd
Semester: Janurary 202021
Lecturer: Bianca Merchant
RSM101:2 Research Methods
Semester: January 202122
Lecturer: Bianca Merchant
Course Shell - RSM101: Research Methods Unit 1 -1
Academic Year - 202021
Lecturer Name - Jacinda Liburd